Wednesday, February 13, 2008

BelleVoix and JeuxMobile

Thanks to all who attended the presentation on "BelleVoix" and "JeuxMobile" and helped us to make it a big success. Here are some details of the presentations:

BelleVoix - A talk on how you can control your s/w applications with your voice easily using javax.speech. The presentation was given by Siddharth Kandoi, Soumil Srivastava and Prakalp Srivastava. They beautifully explained the concept of speech engine, grammar, listener/recognizer class and various methods useful for getting and parsing token which are text version of the input voice. The demonstration was given using mozilla firefox as the underlying software. They demonstrated opening of various websites just by speaking out their names and how the whole browser menu can be controlled using only microphone and no mouse/keyboard clicks.

JeuxMobile - A talk on Mobile Gaming using JavaME. The presentation was given by Nirmesh Malviya and Ashwini Dekhane. They first explained the various important classes like Layer, LayerManager, Sprite, Midlet, Displayable, GameCanvas etc which are most crucial for any mobile game. Also presented how to develop a HelloMidlet from scratch and then explained how various features of their game "TableTennis" has been implemented with the help of javaME API. The presentation mainly revolved around the fact that "JavaME makes one's life easy when it comes to Mobile Gaming'

The Audience was a mixture of btech as well as mtech students. The feedback taken at the end of presentation was very positive. In total around 100+ students were present. We also distributed NetBeans, Solaris, Belenix and SunStudio CDs.

After this the audience moved to CC where the hand on session on mobile gaming was organized. They programmed on their own a mobile game - Virtual Carrom

Pics of the event are shared at