Saturday, February 24, 2007

bugs n t-shirts

This month of feb. has till now proved to be a month of mainly solaris activities. An open soalris bug fixing contest is almost ready and will be launched ass oonas techkriti gets over.. We have searched through the bug databse of to find some suitable bugs which can be easily fixed by student without much previous knowledge of operating systems..

The next contest in the pipeline is the Tshirt dsign contest which we plan to float in order to have club logo and a club Tshirt. this way our's will be the first club in iitk to have its own tshirt. this should also proove to be a good way to involve people with the open solaris wave.

Using the enignma cards we have gained acces to swan network. The various courses and the ebooks acessibel are a nice feature of the swan network. Very soon we will activate our SAI account and provide junta links to practise exams. then mayb we can have a certification fest in iitk.

Btw we have been awarded as the best ambassadors in india for the month of Jan cudos to us!!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

January Month Award


Kudos to Sun Club for grabbing first prize for the month of January. Lots of more laurels to win.